The OC. Orange County. I started watching the OC durring breaks at my lifegaurding job (I wear that like a badge). I watched the first episode and thought it was the stupidest thing ever. I was caught, though, mostly by the character of Seth, and not because of his Jewish-Hunk good looks. He was witty, a loser, and listened to a hella lot of the same music as me. He wasn't like most other TV characters. He was a dork. So, I kinda identified with his character. As the season progressed, however, starking differecnces became apparent. First off, he had a hottie and a meh chick fighting over him. Where is my hottie? Anyway, Seth lost a lot of his appeal once he attained the unattainable, Summer. He became another TV show character. And then the season finale came. And all is forgiven.
The last 10 or so of the OC were the best all Spring. It reminded me why I got hooked on the OC in the first place. And when the music started and I saw Seth with the map, I jumped for joy. And then he slams the two letter down, one "Mom and Dad" and the other... "Summer." Take that biatch. And then Marissa's on the hooch, Ryan is going back to Chino a la the first episode and his arrival to the OC, and Seth sails into the sunset. Could you have asked for more in an ending to a cheezy, cheezy show? I think not.