Saturday, January 17, 2004

Hey all. I just rolled in from the F-Minus show at the Fireside Bowl. First off, spending 10 bucks to see a band that you don't really like isn't a good idea. I mean, I just blew as I used to think of it when I was a kid, 2 action figures to go see this guy cream his lungs out and wail on his guitar. But, the other guitarist was this beautiful girl. Wow, really, hottest punk-rawk chick I have ever seen. The show was okay, the other two bands didn't suck. I felt like posting this long message declaring a new punk rock dress code for girls, but i don't have the energy. Pick up Ben Weasel's Punk is a Four Letter Word for the boy dress code. Below is my band who I think I'm gonna get kicked out of because I suck's logo. Banaroo practice tomorrow. Should be fun, I need to go practice. Later Days.


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