Thursday, February 19, 2004

I Wonder If I Should Title These...

I often blog and wonder if anyone reads it. I seriously doubt it. Then I think I read everyone else's blogs, so I figure someone has to read mine. And then I think about how everyone else has much fuller lives than me, and I come to realize that no one reads this thing. Yet I continue to post.

We watched "Lost in Translation" in FC today. It's a good, quiet, pretty film. It's not spectacular, it's pleasant. I can't explain it, but the best way to describe it is quiet. It put me in one of those moods, where I notice things as I walk. Like the smell of the Fenwick hallway, or how empty my locker looks. Or how warm it was, and how beautiful the streets looked, with the snow melting and sun still up at 5:30. And as I drove home, stuck in 1st Ave. traffic, I realized how perfect an album I had picked out for the day. Weezer (the blue one). I really love good music. I forget now what I wanted to say originally, so I'll just close it up. I hate when this happens, I have something to say and then I forget what it is. Go figure.

I lost 2nd period. Tim, Mark, and Jasmine lost already as well. Who will win?

In conclusion, Weezer is a great band. I really like music.


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