Saturday, August 07, 2004

I realized today that I don't have work, I have a job, cause it's no where near being work. I played in a pool for six hours today and got paid. Oh, and made a background for the RSC's computer: a cup of beer with the words "RSC ADULT NIGHT: TIME TO GET WASTED". Can't beat that. I love my job. RSC pride, yo. RSC pride.

So, the countdown is 14 days, 9 hours, and 21 minutes. I'm ready to get out, meet some new people, see some new sights. Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna miss stuff and folks up here, but I need a change.

So, Rocket Grande should be launching this week, and for anyone who cares, I've seen the new Hector the Unreasonable cat comics, and holy dirt, is it funny. I'm made a comic too, and I like it. So that's what counts.

Two homework assignments for this week:

  1. Buy/Rent/Not Steal Bruce Campbell's autobiography, If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor. Like Evil Dead II, it's a hoot. So go, read like the wind.
  2. Get a hold of the Tribe Called Quest track, Can I Kick It? You won't be disappointed.

Until then my friends, good night.


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